Chronology of Key Events


2022/07/13Centre asks states, UTs to follow Karnataka for reviving rural public libraries. [ Letter, News ]
2020/12/25All GPs to have broadband connectivity by 2021, IT minister Tusharkanti Behera
2020/07/17Letter sent by Culture department to all DMs for establishing District Library Council
2020/07/17State Public Library Fund established (Culture secretary Shri Manoranjan Panigrahy as the first donor)
2020/01/14State Public Library Council has been established and notification is issued
2019/12/23Visiting OSA team and local team met culture minister Sri Jyoti Ranjan Panigrahi, culture secretary Shri Manoranjan Panigrahy in the secretariat to discuss on the library laws
Public Libraries will be under CM’s 5T program
( Technology, Timebound, Transparency, Team Work, Transformation)
– The State Public Library Council will be formed soon.
– Priority will be given for representation in state public library council from all sections
– The District Public Library Council will be formed soon.
– Odisha Public Library Fund will be established
– Priority will be given for direct involvement of direct beneficiaries
2019/12/22OSA organized 2019 Odisha Public Library Conference(OSA Mahotsav) in Bhubaneswar and appealed culture minister Sri Jyoti Ranjan Panigrahi, Higher Education Minister Dr Arun Sahoo, culture secretary Shri Manoranjan Panigrahy to expedite the implementation of Odisha library laws
2019/12/21Director of Public Libraries Odisha responded to OSA’s letter on 2019/07/09 regarding the status of library development in Odisha as per the following.
1. Director of Odia Language & Culture has been declared as the “Director of Public Libraries
2. “Odisha Public Library Authority” has been constituted with Minister Culture as Chairperson
Principal Secretary as Working Chair Person, Director of Public Libraries as Member Secretary
3. Office order has been issued to existing District Culture Officers( including in-charge ) to act as “District Library Officer” for district and other public libraries
4.“Directorate of Public Libraries” has been constituted with Director of public libraries, One gazette librarian, One under secretary, Junior clerk, Class-IV staff
5. State Library and District Library Book selection sub-committee has been constituted for every financial year
6. Raja Rammohun Roy Book Selection sub-committee has been constituted for every financial year to support rural and urban libraries
7. Corpus Fund for the State library has been created
8. Corpus Fund has been created for the existing 17 district libraries, operated by DM and district culture officer
9. Step is taken to establish new 13 district libraries where there is NO district library
10. Step is being taken to modernize 17 existing district public libraries
11. Modernization( Library automation, Computerization, Digital Books for online access, Video Conferencing ) of State Public Library has been started with matching fund from National Library Mission(NLM), India
2019/12/09Separate Directorate for Library soon: CM’s Chief Adviser R. Balakrishnan
2019/10/02Perform Or Perish! Naveen Patnaik’s Ambitious ‘5T’ Plan To Make Odisha Efficient Takes Off.
Team work, Technology, Transparency, Transformation and Time limit will be the five factors on which performance of Govt machinery will be evaluated.( Outlook India )
2019/07/09OSA sent memorandum to CM Odisha for timely implementation of Well-Integrated Modern Public System in Odisha
2018/12/26OSA in collaboration with Praful library organized Odisha Public Library Conference-2018 in Bhubaneswar in presence of cabinet minister Surya Narayan Patra, MLA Shri Priyadarsi Mishra and other dignitaries.
2018/09/28Directives with Guidelines sent to all BDOs in the state to establish Panchayat library-cum-infotainment centers in every GP(Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendras) in 3 years.
[ Source: MGNREGAS, Panchayat Raj dept., Govt of Odisha, Daily Pioneer News ]
2018/03/032018 state budget allocated funds to establish libraries in every district in phase-wise manner
2017/08/31CM Naveen Patnaik inaugurates NRO’s proposed Internet enabled model public library in Berhampur.
( First digital public library in Odisha )
2016/12/01GA department, Govt of Odisha sanctioned( redirected OSA’s contribution to CMRF ) 16 lakh INR to establish rural model public libraries in Balasore and Mayurbhanj in existing Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendras or Panchayat Buildings under CM’s Model Village Program.
2016/09/26Govt of Odisha Gazette published regarding cabinet approval of Odisha Public Library Rules Notification
2016/08/06Odisha state cabinet approved Odisha Public Library Rules Notification. Govt decided to establish public libraries across the state at District and Panchayat level
2016/06/06OSA writes to CM Sri Naveen Patnaik Odisha for cabinet approval of Rules Notification for Odisha Public Library Act-2001
2015/12/22OSA organized a Public Library Open House in Bakul Library in collaboration with Bakul Foundation and Praful Pathagar. Odisha Public Library Vision 2020 was launched in presence of Mass Education Minister Shri Debi Prasad Mishra, Culture Secretary Shri Manoranjan Panigrahy, MLA/Cinestar Akash DasNayak and other dignitaries.
2015/12/11OSA writes to CM Sri Naveen Patnaik Odisha for cabinet approval of Rules Notification for Odisha Public Library Act-2001
2015/07/22District Culture officer writes to Commissioner Berhampur Municipality regarding establishment of Model Public Library
2015/07/03In Washington, DC, OSA organized a panel discussion on “Building Modern Public Libraries in Odisha”. The panelists Sri Ashok Chandra Panda, Culture Minister, Sri Debi Prasad Mishra, Education Minister, Sri Priyadarsi Mishra, MLA, Bhubaneswar assured for cabinet approval of Rules Notification of Odisha Public Library Act-2001 by 2015
2015/03/18GA department, Govt of Odisha sanctioned( redirected OSA’s contribution to CMRF ) 24 lakh INR to modernize three libraries in Berhampur
2014/12/17Regarding OSA’s fund utilization for public libraries, Sri Niten Chandra, Principal Secretary GA, suggested to leverage Rajiv Gandhi Seva Kendras in the Panchayats under CM’s Model Village Program. Then state coordinator of this program Sri Pinaki Mohanty suggested the proposed locations of public libraries in Balasore and Mayurbhanj district.
2014/10/28GA department, Govt of Odisha, writes to Collectors Ganjam, Balasore, Mayurbhanj to furnish status report on the benefits of public libraries and OSA’s proposal to improve the public libraries
2013/11/30OSA contributed to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund(CMRF) to support Phailin victims. Proposed the funds to be utilized for education infrastructure development( Internet enabled Model Public libraries) in Phailin affected area
2014/01/30Public libraries to go digital under culture ministry’s National Mission on Libraries, Govt of India
Source: Times of India
2013/11/01Sam Pitroda, Head National Knowledge Commission recommends an overhaul of the Library and Information Service sector. ( He was also chief advisor to CM Odisha in 2016 and earlier )
2012/05/27Govt of India launched 1000 crore plan to digitally link 9000 libraries across India
Source: The Telegraph, Calcutta, India
2009/08/20Every Panchayat to have a Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra and Panchayat Ghar over the next three years : Dr. C.P.Joshi, minister Panchayati Raj, GoI. Source: Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, 20th August 2009
2002/03/11Govt of Odisha Gazette published regarding cabinet approval of Odisha Public Library Act 2001
1972Odisha Public Library Bill was introduced in the assembly in 1972
Chronology of key developments/events on public library developments in Odisha



OSA Model Libraries